Here is a brief summary of my career:
- I graduated with distinction from Harokopio University in Athens (BSc (Hons) in Dietetics & Nutritional Science, 2004) and King’s College London (MSc Nutrition, 2005)
- Since 2019, I have been specialising in eating disorders and disordered eating – outside my freelance work I also work for the NHS.
- I have completed the Intuitive Eating Pro Skills Training by the cofounder of Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole.
- Since 2018, I have been providing online coaching services to people across the UK, in Greece and throughout the world.
- For 10 years, I ran a busy private practice in Athens and worked as a paediatric dietitian for the Obesity Clinic of Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital.
- I am FODMAP trained, having completed the Monash University ‘Low FODMAP Diet for IBS’ online training course for health professionals.
- In 2004, I started working for the MEND Programme at UCL Institute of Child Health; I still remain one of the most long-standing members of the MEND international team.
- I am an active writer and spokesperson and have contributed to the publication of several peer-reviewed articles.
For more information about my clinical and research background, please visit my LinkedIn profile.